Discover how this letter unlocks the whole story of Scripture and helps us make sense of life.

This course has now finished

(planning for 2025)

What is The Romans Course?

Romans is surely the most influential letter that’s ever been written. Just as all roads lead to Rome, we encourage you to get involved in this Romans Course which will lead you on a deeper journey, helping you discover your place in God’s story and become more confident in the gospel.

Click the image below to watch a short trailer…

Key Features

  • The Romans Course is a comprehensive exploration of Paul’s epistle to the Romans.
  • With engaging videos, testimonials, guided reading and opportunities for reflective study, The Romans Course will simplify your understanding of the original letter from Paul who sought to unite believers and raise their confidence.
  • Acts as a great follow-on resource for those who have done other courses such as Alpha, Christianity Explored and The Bible Course and for more mature participants who wish to dig deeper.

How many weeks does it run for?

Over ten interactive sessions, it combines video teaching, group discussion, personal reflection and daily readings.

Meeting people in groups, where everyone shares their thoughts and experiences, lies at the heart of The Romans Course as everyone learns from each other – including the leaders!

A ten-session course helping you discover your place in God’s story.

Here are some comments from our recent courses...

“I enjoyed all of it. It has helped me to understand. I feel a better person”
“Made a big difference to me. I felt as though Jesus was with us”
“Good blend of teaching, reading and discussion”
“It helped to bring the stories to life”
“It all worked well together. I loved the discussions as getting others views helped me to understand things more”
“An interesting thought provoking course”
“The course leaders were engaging, helpful, knowledgeable and supportive”
“Excellent course looking forward to others next year”

Course outline

  • Week 1 – Gospel
  • Week 2 – Sin
  • Week 3 – Salvation
  • Week 4 – Peace
  • Week 5 – Freedom
  • Week 6 – Hope
  • Week 7 – Mystery
  • Week 8 – Devotion
  • Week 9 – Community
  • Week 10 – Mission

What happens during a typical evening…

We start at 7-15pm with a hot drink, some biscuits and good company (that’s us as well as you!)

A discussion starter question
A short Teaching Video
Some discussion time
A second short teaching video
An illuminating Testimony
Some personal reflection to finish
Some daily readings between sessions